Odisha news

Hiradhara Sahoo to receive 7th Shambhavi Puraskar , Anil Pradhan will receive ‘Jury Commendation Certificate’


Bhubaneswar , 09th March 2020 – Bansidhar & Ila Panda Foundation (BIPF – CSR wing of IMFA Group) instituted the annual Shambhavi Puraskar in the year 2014, to recognise emerging social catalysts and thereby inspire more citizens to act as agents of change. On 6th Feb 2020, the Jury panel comprising of notable members Dr Gopal Krushna Nayak (IIIT Director) Mr Shantamay Chatterjee (Regional Programme Director – CARE, India) Mr A P Das (GM – NABARD, Odisha) Mr Rajaram Stapathy (Senior Journalist) and Ms Shaifalika Panda (CEO & Trustee of BIPF) unanimously decided Mr Hiradhara Sahoo (Zilla Jungle Manch, Deogarh) as the Shambhavi Puraskar winner for 2020 and Mr Anil Pradhan (Founder of Navomesh Prasar IPFSCR, Cuttack) as Jury Commendation. The recipients will be felicitated on 12th March 2020

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